Memory Flipping

Memory Flipping is a self help modality created by Peter Szabo.

Have you ever wondered?

Why do I keep doing the things that are bad for me and continue putting off the things that would be good for me?


The answer is often hidden in trauma.

Say you’re 7 years old and say something silly in front of the class.

The teaches and students laugh.

You feel humiliated.

And you automatically assigned the meaning that “I’m not good enough”.

Then you ruminate on this event… replay it again and again.

Soon enough that thought becomes a belief in your psyche. It becomes a part of your identity.

In the future, you may want to start a business or ask for a raise.

But the moment you need to put yourself out there, you feel a tight, unpleasant sensation in your stomach…

…and instead you pull back and do nothing.

That’s because the childhood, traumatized part of you is trying to keep you safe. To never ever feel humiliated again.

But you can see how that’d stand in between your goals.

And there’s hundreds of examples of people being held back by their trauma and limiting beliefs.

  • Person A tries to lose weight, but can’t seem to give up the chocolate cake
  • Person B tries to grow her business, but everytime she reaches a certain financial threshold, she starts to procrastinate and make bad decisions
  • Person C feels can’t seem to fall asleep no matter what she tries

All of these examples have a root cause that’s buried in their memories.

Memory Flipping works by rewriting painful memories so you can change your automatic response patterns (how you think, feel & act) to create a better future.

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